The IFT Review of 2024
You can find The IFT’s Review of 2024 here. This includes a summary of our events, research and other projects...
Insights and reports
Our Q2 2024 update on turnaround and restructuring activity across sectors shows a picture of steadily increasing activity, with half of IFT partners surveyed seeing an increase in activity, and the rest about the same level of activity. The busiest sectors in terms of turnaround and restructuring continued to be real estate and construction. The depletion of working capital was the most commonly cited factor driving business distress, whilst the pressures of inflation and the costs of servicing debt remained substantial. 50% of IFT partners surveyed also highlighted the withdrawal of shareholder support/funding as impacting businesses over the last quarter.
The quarterly data from FRP Advisory showed another slight increase in the number of businesses experiencing distress compared to Q1 2024. Construction featured as the sector with the highest number of insolvencies in Q2 2024 (as it had in Q1), as well as in the top three sectors experiencing the highest levels of distress.
You can read the full update here.
Members of The IFT saved an estimated 56,000 jobs in 2023-24.
IFT members helped add £3.1 billion in shareholder value in 2023-24.
Over 80% of IFT members reported being busier or as busy 2023-24 compared to the previous year.
Over 60% of stressed companies don’t know they are in trouble until it is too late.
You can find The IFT’s Review of 2024 here. This includes a summary of our events, research and other projects...
Our Awards edition of Swift for 2024 can be found here. This includes interviews with and insights from this year’s...
Today The IFT has released its fifth Societal Impact report, surveying its members and highlighting that UK corporate distress shows...
Our Q3 2024 snapshot marks the fourth quarterly update from The IFT – covering a full year – and so...