Profile - The IFT

Yasmin Rafiq Independant

Role: Adviser / Consultant / Coach


Yasmin Rafiq is an Executive level HR practitioner with a demonstrable track record of providing wide reaching operational and strategic workforce transformation in organisations undergoing a period of significant change. She conducts workforce reviews and achieves headcount rationalisations as required by Turnaround Directors. She has experience of working with Turnaround Directors in Private Equity, Professional Services (PwC), Banking, Telecoms, Retail, private healthcare and the NHS. Her assignments have always come through recommendations from Turnaround professionals who are members of the IFT and recovery teams who need a ‘commercially savvy’ senior HR practitioner who will get them results and deliver, particularly in difficult and challenging situations. Yasmin enjoys the pace and demands of turnaround environments.
In all her assignments, the recovery teams and Turnaround Directors repeatedly engage her as their ‘go to’ senior HR adviser cutting through the red tape to provide commercial solutions, whilst maintaining the legalities of employment law and the reputation of the Board.

Yasmin is a resilient and confident senior HR practitioner who acts as an exemplar, providing independent advice to the Board. She always operates with honesty and integrity whilst being mindful that workforce changes need to be done respectfully and creatively.

Organisation Type
  • PLC
  • Private Equity Backed
  • Public Sector
Average Company Size (£Million)
  • > 500 > Million
  • 6 - 19
  • 6 - 12
  • Consumer Goods & Retail
  • Financial Services
  • Healthcare
  • NHS
  • Technology & Telecoms
  • Transport & Logistics


London & South