Fully Accredited Member

Fully Accredited Member

Nick Goldstone

Accountant/Advisor, Advisor, Interim Management

Nick Goldstone – IFT Accredited Member 

Nick is a highly experienced turnaround and restructuring professional. He has led many teams providing support and delivering solutions to businesses facing complex challenges.

With over 15 years experience, he has great insight into the differing requirements and mindset of all stakeholders in stressed and distressed companies.

Earlier in his career, Nick was seconded for 18 months to the Global Restructuring Group and RBS and RBS Invoice Finance, giving him an in-depth understanding of lenders’ approach to, and management of, risk in stressed and distressed businesses. 

He has an excellent range of contacts with UK banks, invoice financers/asset based lenders, turnaround investors, private equity and professional advisers.

His skills, experience and personality are particularly suited to complex change, rescue, restructuring and re-financings, turnaround and crisis management roles.
