Fully Accredited Member

Fully Accredited Member

John Wood

Operator, Interim Management, Independent Executive

John Wood – IFT Accredited Member

John Wood is an independent executive with a strong commercial and operational bias. Typical Commercial Roles are in SME's with t/o from Ł3m to Ł30m and where transformational change is required to drive turnaround and/or growth or enhance value prior to company restructuring or sale. Third sector roles include Charities, Membership Organisations and Education, and a current role as trustee of a local heritage charity. His experience includes a long-term role as Non-Executive Chairman of Celtic Media Group following a successful turnaround and MBO. Assignments have included CEO of the Chartered Institute of Internal Auditors, Interim CEO of Microloan Foundation, Interim CEO of Design Objectives Limited and Chairman of Clearview Traffic Group, a distributor of traffic management systems. Previously he was Managing Director of Diam UK limited, a POS display designer and manufacturer, and A&R Carton UK limited following an early career in commercial and operational roles in manufacturing and as a Management Consultant with Deloitte Haskins & Sells MCD.