Jo Wright
Independent Executive, Operator
Jo Wright – IFT Fellow
Managing Director and founder of consultancy De Novo Advisory, providing specialist turnaround exptertise to transform organisations and businesses. Jo is highly a commercial, experienced and personable professional with a long track record of successful business transformation
Jo held senior roles in major Professional Services firms for many years, most recently as Restructuring Partner at BDO LLP. Jo is also a licensed insolvency practitioner, although no longer takes formal appointments, preferring to focus on more constructive restructuring and transformation solutions. Jo is an active member of the IFT, she serves on the Education - Special Interest Group (SIG) and the Midlands Regional Comittee.
Jo addresses challenging issues and identifies workable solutions; whilst also minimising the likelihood of a formal insolvency process ever being required. Often projects have multiple phases and span several months, as organisations are stabilised and a long term transformation plan implemented. Jo has worked at senior level with all of the major banks, many of the asset based lenders, private equity houses and distressed investors. Her forte is working with organisations and delivering results against a backdrop of challenging and complex circumstances.
In addition to the essential technical skills required to deliver at this level, she has the ability to bring parties together, often in highly pressured situations, and facilitate constructive discussions, so that a workable solution is identified, agreed upon and implemented for the benefit of all. As a result, she has earned a solid reputation in effective stakeholder management.
Whilst Jo's sector experience is broad both across industry and professional services, she currently has specific focus and experience in the Further Education (FE) sector supporting colleges and Boards in addressing the demand for sector transformation. Her professional relationships with the main sector lenders, the ESFA and the Provider Market Oversight Team are invaluable in developing viable and sustainable plans, that address the challenges in the sector as well as delivering on learner needs. If you would like to know more or you know of an organisation that is in pursuit of growth, please contact jo.wright@denovoadvisory.co.uk.