Fully Accredited Member

Fully Accredited Member

Graham Tudhope


Graham Tudhope – IFT Accredited Member 

Graham Tudhope is Managing Director of T Squared (UK) Limited a company dedicated to business turnaround and business improvement. As a “hands on” Corporate Turnaround practitioner with over 20 years’ experience of successfully implementing change in more than 200 companies Graham is recognised by the leading banks and accountancy firms as an individual with a highly successful track record in his field. Graham has managed companies of all sizes across a range of sectors.

The ethos of the style of company turnaround he practises is a highly focussed, time-limited intervention that addresses deep-rooted problems, as well as the immediate difficulties. 

Specialties: People, Process and Business Improvement. Combining Business and Banking requirements to achieve sustainable profitability.

 Graham holds a BSc from the University of Strathclyde.