Fully Accredited Member
David Burton
Independent Executive, Financier, Accountant/Advisor, Interim Management
David Burton – IFT Accredited Member
Permanently resident on planet cash, a Finance and Operations Director with supervisory board accountability since 2008.
David is motivated by delivering the right results, on time, and meeting client expectations.
Turnaround and change delivery assignments completed have included:
* Removing toxic assets from a property portfolio, avoiding annual cash drain of £1.5m
* Delivering a single set of financial and operating processes for an IT company operating in 10 countries
* Reforming working capital cycles for companies in a wine distribution group, to make each net positive.
* Crisis management through the early stages of Covid19.
A fresh pair of eyes, I am able to bring relevant experience from multiple sectors to deliver value to a business by adopting the SAS principle:
Simplify: Remove waste and inefficiency by keeping things as simple as possible
Automate: Improve accuracy and speed by making the IT do the repetitive stuff, and enabling people to do the thinking
Standardise: Ensure the same way of working is adopted everywhere.
Our remedies oft in ourselves do lie. William Shakespeare