Fully Accredited Member

Fully Accredited Member

Charles Darley

Independent Executive, Operator, Interim Management

Charles is an independent Interim CEO and/or Turnaround Director. He is a member of both PWC's and FRP Advisory's panel of independent turnaround CEOs and Directors. He has 30 years experience of restructuring, transforming and rescuing businesses and not-for-profits that are in financial distress. 

He has completed total of 24 major change and turnaround assignments, including 14 as Interim CEO MD, MD, COO, and Turnaround Director. has short-term cash flow management optimization, refinancing, organizational restructuring, disposals, mergers, acquisitions, and major back-office cost-cutting and IT investment programs. Additionally, spearheaded significant revenue diversification and growth in organizations that had previously declining revenues over 3-5 years. His experience spans both the commercial not-for-profit sectors.

He has particular sector expertise within the education and training, health and care, not-for-profit and NGOs but has also worked in media and communications, distribution, FMCG and packaging. 

Assignments have varied from companies and NFPs with revenues as little as £10m to revenues up to £2bn with losses from £1m a year up to £40m a year. Some organisations have been UK only and others have had over 30 overseas operations.  


Paul Suller - WRAP, Chief Financial Officer,  “I worked with Charlie for 10 months at WRAP. He has an inspirational and challenging leadership style which is exactly what we needed to reinvigorate our business collaboration and behaviour change directorate and bring a more commercial mindset into the charity. I still find useful nuggets in our email exchanges from 12 months ago that remind me we need to do so much more to halt climate change.I can see that Charlie is making a big difference in the organisations he has helped so far!” July 2021Helen Kirkpatrick – Queens University Belfast, Audit Committee and *Qubis Chair.  *Qubis was Queens University Belfast Innovation fund. Assets £200m.“In the short time you worked with me we achieved years of progress.” Oct 2022.